About Us




Randy Michel (rmichel@charter.net)

FireSafe Council Chair:

Geraldine Rothenberg (cooknmom88@sbcglobal.net)

Recording Secretary:

James Klima (klima.james@gmail.com)

Board Members:

Bob Lancet (rtlancet82@gmail.com)

Tom Roe (tomroetomroe@msn.com)

Jim Duthler (jim_duthler@charter.net)

Ethel Margolin (Honoree Member)

Denise Barrow (dybarrow@yahoo.com)

Gerry Detamore (grdetamore@gmail.com)

Cyrus Tabibian (cyrusta@aol.com)

Geraldine Rothenberg (cooknmom88@sbcglobal.net)

Randy Michel (rmichel@charter.net)

Cesar Santos (cesarvsantos21@gmail.com)

Ruth Watson (saintmombo@sbcglobal.net)

History of the Westhills Homeowners Association

In the 1970’s when this development was built, a homeowner’s association was formed to support the community. Its name was the West Valley Property Owners Association. One of the first projects the community voted to under take was to create the area designation Westhills, one word. This was spearheaded by Ethel Margolin and through her efforts in 1974 the LA County Board of Supervisors officially granted our area the name, Westhills.With the creation of Westhills the association changed its name to the Westhills Homeowners Association. The association is a non-profit community group dedicated to maintaining and improving the quality of life for the residents. It acts as a representative for the community with government agencies when issues affecting the community develop. It sponsors community activities such as the picnic and garage sale events.It also reminds residents of their responsibilities under the CC&R’s to avoid blocking the views of neighboring properties, removal of motor homes and large trucks from the area and provide architectural review of major additions. Covenants Conditions & Restrictions are a common element of property in California and are attached to the deed of each property thereby insuring their passing from owner to owner.All residents are welcome at board meetings which are generally held on the second Wednesday of the month at 7PM. Residents are encouraged to join the board and new ideas are always welcomed.