Know your Conditions, Covenants & Restrictions on your property. They are part of you obligations as a property owner in Westhills. Enforcement of the CC&R’s adds to the enjoyment of your home, helps protect you and your neighbors from environmental damages and helps maintain property values.
(Click here for the Westhills CC&R’s)
Click here for the 2023 Welcome to Westhills Brochure.
Click here for a list of accomplishments the WHA has done for the community.
Representing Westhills Residents in the West San Fernando Valley Since 1968
Our Westhills Homeowners Association convenes Board of Directors meetings on the second Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m. All residents (homeowners and renters) of our 175 home Westhills community are encouraged to attend. The meetings are currently on the ZOOM platform. Please email Cesar Santos (cesarvsantos21@gmail.com) to get the ZOOM link. Bring helpful suggestions and ideas. We would like to have your input and know of your concerns.
Please join our Westhills HOA Group Facebook page, setup by Berny and Cesar Santos, by clicking the link below:
and then click on the JOIN button to join the group. Please use this group to stay up to date and freely communicate with other WHA community members, especially during emergencies.
Also please continue to visit our website www.westhills91307.org to get community information including CC&Rs, Board Meeting dates, WHA History, Dues due dates, Important phone numbers, News.
Please Stay Safe at Home and follow Social Distancing and other guidelines to control the spread of COVID-19. From Your WHA Board of Directors
The 2024-2025 of $35 are due July 1. These funds are used for many neighborhood projects. Here is a partial list of what the dues are used for:
- Promote annual neighborhood garage sale
- Annual neighborhood picnic
- Annual neighborhood meeting
- Promoting conversion of Randiwood property for park
- Maintenance of web site
- Periodic newsletter
There are many other projects that your Homeowners Associations promotes on behalf of our neighborhood.
Your dues are not tax deductible.
You can pay them at the annual meeting in June or mail them to: Randy Michel, 6669 Vickiview Dr., Westhills, 91307. As always, your support is appreciated.